Price: $180

State: California
City: Tujunga
Zip code: 91042
Type: Animals

$180 firm each without cage. Anyone offering a lower price will not be allowed to purchase bird at all.
Basic new cage 20
5-6 weeks old
Gender not known
Very high red factor making these pineapples very desirable.
these baby birds need to be handfed 2-3 times daily for next couple of weeks. I provide baby food, and demo. It's fast and fun to handfeed but obviously requires some commitment.
If you are unsure about buying a bird then do not buy one. If you are unsure about buying on Ebay Classifieds then please buy from petco for $440.
Conures are not good talkers. They are known for their playfulness. Click on the link for more info on this breed.
818 396
Thanks for looking